Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

images of mothers day cakes

images of mothers day cakes. Mother#39;s Day Cake
  • Mother#39;s Day Cake

  • ciTiger
    Apr 23, 06:08 PM
    Finally a screen quality on my MBP to rival that of my iP4! Hopefully the next MBP refresh will bring these retina displays!!!

    images of mothers day cakes. Cannaboe Cupcakes for Mothers
  • Cannaboe Cupcakes for Mothers

  • kiljoy616
    May 6, 02:19 AM
    Very true. Listen to the man.
    There's many analysts that believe ARM will supersede Intel.

    Very well said, considering that right now the Cortex-A9 can do 4 core there is nothing to say that in a couple of years if not sooner they will double that.

    I am not sure I can see the Pro running Arm but everything else even maybe iMac running arm of 4 or more core would make some sense. Still it a rummor and we really don't know what Intel will pull out of their bag in the next 2 years which is a long time in the tech sector.

    But still possible to see Apple move completely into something not only they have control over but will make their machines so thin we will think it was magic:p

    images of mothers day cakes. Heart Shaped Cake for Mothers
  • Heart Shaped Cake for Mothers

  • baryon
    Apr 23, 04:52 PM
    Wow... Imagine an 11 inch MacBook Air with the resolution of a much bigger monitor... Or imagine a MacBook Pro that can display all of Photoshop's annoying panels without having to collapse them all the time... Or simply viewing photos with loads more detail! Good stuff!

    images of mothers day cakes. So that#39;s mother#39;s day 2006
  • So that#39;s mother#39;s day 2006

  • Ja Di ksw
    Apr 10, 08:20 AM
    What a thread.

    The premise is incorrect from the start - this is not a mathematical problem, it is a problem of noting a very simple formula using ASCII characters only, and deciding how that sequence of ASCII characters should be interpreted.

    The "PEMDAS" rule was quoted, which is apparently used to drill children in the USA and remove any inkling of mathematical talent from their tiny little brains. PEMDAS has nothing to do with mathematics. It is about interpretation of a textual representation of a formula.

    Someone went so far to ask "do you think you are more intelligent than a calculator"? What a stupid question. Even the most stupid poster here on this thread has an intelligence that is far superior to that of any calculator.

    When you write down a formula, it is essential to write it down in a way that doesn't leave room for interpretation, and in a way that survives the limitations of the medium involved. This wasn't done here. Whatever the original poster wrote went through some major textual manipulation. It went through a web browser, a "POST" command, was interpreted by the MacRumors server software, translated into HTML, and then displayed on my screen. There is no way for me or anyone else to know what the user actually posted. And to the majority of posters here, whatever rules are tought to children in the US school system don't apply.

    Trying to give an answer to the question is just stupid, when it is clear that nobody knows what the original poster actually meant when writing down the formula. It would have been very simple to either write (48/2) * (9+3) or 48 / (2 * (9 + 3)) where in each case there would have been agreement how to interpret this. That didn't happen; any attempt of interpreting the text as given is pointless.

    Want to guess where I stopped taking you seriously? Or were you trolling right from the start? The equation is written fine if you know how to read it. And the rambling about the interpretation and going through HTML and whatnot was no more relevant than babbling on about how you can't argue with a person speaking to you b/c the air went from their lungs over their vocal cords and had to deal with the pressure changes in the surrounding atmosphere and vibrate your blah blah blah. S/he wrote it, it's obvious what it meant with the 2 or 288 answer choices, and if you know how to do math the answer is obvious.

    images of mothers day cakes. Homemade mothers day cake with
  • Homemade mothers day cake with

  • Unspeaked
    Aug 11, 11:11 AM
    Everyone waiting on the Core 2 Duo MacBook needs to get a clue.

    It's the same folks who were falling over waiting to WWDC to come so they could order their Core 2 Duo MacBooks after the keynote!

    Apple IS NOT going to move the MacBook to a Core 2 Duo until they've updated:

    1) MacBook Pro

    2) iMac

    3) Maybe even Mac Mini, since it's been out forever!

    The MacBook is barely three months old. It may get a speed bump and/or price cut soon, but won't get a new chip.

    All of you saying Apple has to upgrade it to a Core 2 Duo to complete with Dell, HP, etc - why? Why do they HAVE to? Will they explode if they don't? Will the sun stop shining? Will all the world's puppies die?

    Of course they'll upgrade it eventually. That doesn't mean it needs to be upgraded as soon as the chips are available. If you look at other PC maker's sites, most of their machines don't even have the Core Duo chips yet; there's no rush.

    You can't claim Apple will inevitable act a certain way now that they're on Intel chips; you don't know that. They have no history of using Intel chips. Just because your bright minds think it would be a good idea to move the MB line to the latest and greatest chip whenever a new one is released by Intel because "that's what the other guys are doing," it doesn't mean Apple agrees with you.

    What we DO know for a fact is Apple like to differentiate between consumer and pro lines, and Apple has never been one to put the latest chips into the iMac or Mac Mini level machines - and I don't see either of that changing.

    images of mothers day cakes. Mothers Day Cakes India
  • Mothers Day Cakes India

  • webman2k
    Apr 7, 10:34 AM
    All your screens are belong to us.

    images of mothers day cakes. Special Occasions Cakes
  • Special Occasions Cakes

  • -aggie-
    May 4, 09:52 PM
    I'd like to make sure of some things.

    The villain started with 0 points. He then earned 2 points by taking two turns.

    We did our thing

    He took two more turns earning 2 more points for 4 total. He obviously used at least one point to make a goblin. So he had 3 or less points, depending on whether he bought more traps. They could be anywhere, even far from where we currently are (e.g., he could be putting defenses around his lair. )

    Do I have that straight?

    images of mothers day cakes. Mother#39;s Day Cakes
  • Mother#39;s Day Cakes

  • Eolian
    Mar 29, 01:31 PM
    I'm not convinced it's as dire as people are making it out to be. Either way, both Apple and Amazon have full rights to access users files on both services for various reasons.

    What are your fears on the Amazon terms that don't exist on the MobileMe ones? (Perhaps I'm being dense so some clarification is in need!) :D
    Anyone storing remotely anywhere should be aware that they've signed away some rights, of course. FWIW I don't use MobilMe for storage, or for anything else presently.

    Someday it would be nice to be able to wirelessly sync my devices through it for free, but that's a different topic :p

    What I see is Amazon being explicit here in that they can retain, use and disclose your data in any way they see fit. Period. Apple at least spells out that their use etc is directly related to law enforcement, TOS violations, security/fraud/technical issues, and protection of rights and property.

    Do you see this differently?

    images of mothers day cakes. May 8, is Mother#39;s Day and
  • May 8, is Mother#39;s Day and

  • DeaconGraves
    May 4, 03:05 PM
    Here's my problem with this distribution method for an OS:

    I have 4 Macs in my house. Previously, I'd buy a Family License DVD and go from machine to machine installing it.

    If I have to DL it from the App Store, I've got to download it 4 times! I don't care about paying for multiple licenses... I do care about blowing out my internet bandwidth downloading the same multi-gigabyte file 4 times. :mad:

    There had better be a physical-media option!

    Is everyone missing the "Preferred" in the headline of this thread? Preferred does not me "only" or "required" or "mandatory."

    We're not yet at the point where digitial distribution is a feasible option for everyone, but Apple needs to take the steps towards it now before the rest of the industry passes by.

    images of mothers day cakes. Mothers Day Cake and Cupcakes
  • Mothers Day Cake and Cupcakes

  • griz
    May 4, 02:55 PM
    How so?

    The current method is "the OS DVD you buy can be used anywhere, as often as you like, forever."

    How could it be worse than that?

    Not as often as you like. You buy one copy of Snow Leopard and it is good for one Mac. Family pack gets you 5.

    images of mothers day cakes. cakes for Mothers#39; Day,
  • cakes for Mothers#39; Day,

  • RebootD
    Mar 31, 12:26 AM
    So what part of 'iOS' fluff do Versions, Air Drop, Mission Control, Auto Save and Lion Server fit under?

    'Useful' UI improvements? So what would you consider useful? Personally full screen apps, a native application launcher that can be organized, and resume are all useful to me. Get out of the mindset that just because it originated from iOS means that it won't be useful.

    Wasn't talking 'features' I was talking "user interface" as in getting rid of aqua, standardize their apps GUI etc.

    As for 'features" Versions and Air drop are great but most of my apps already autosave or I do every 10 minutes, don't care about mission control, don't really care about full screen apps because I have many open at once side by side and I don't run a server.

    images of mothers day cakes. mother#39;s day cakes.PNG
  • mother#39;s day cakes.PNG

  • Bradley W
    Sep 10, 11:16 PM

    images of mothers day cakes. for a Mother#39;s Day cake!
  • for a Mother#39;s Day cake!

  • tuna
    Mar 29, 08:56 AM
    Dang... I feel like $80 a month is a LOT of money for 1TB of space. Especially when you can pay $70 ONCE and get your own 1TB drive.


    Of course there are many benefits of having your data "in the cloud," but I think their prices are way too high.

    The price is actually amazing. MobileMe is $100/year for 20GB. Amazon is $20/year for the same storage plus Amazon is running a promotion through the end of the year where if you buy a digital album from Amazon, you get 1 free year of 20GB of storage.

    Dropbox is $100/year for 50GB or $200/year for 100GB. Amazon is now offering storage for half those prices. This is going to be devastating for Dropbox since they actually run their entire system off of Amazon Web Services.

    Cloud storage isn't comparable to buying a hard drive. Cloud storage includes redundancy, bandwidth, and syncing tools that add a lot of value. Plus of course the electricity and servers processing power necessary to access the hard drives.

    I hope that Amazon either copies Dropbox's syncing technology or otherwise buys them out and integrates it. Dropbox is already amazing. At half the price its even better.

    images of mothers day cakes. Mother#39;s Day,
  • Mother#39;s Day,

  • DakotaGuy
    May 6, 12:16 AM
    I was about to say, "What?! And lose the Windows compatibility they bragged on so much with the Intel transition? You're kidding me!", then I remembered that Windows 8 is also rumored (confirmed?) to run on ARM.

    This might actually happen..

    So I just bought a new 4 core Sandy Bridge iMac tonight and now this news breaks. Is ARM actually building anything in any way shape or form that competes with the Intel X86 stuff right now or is this just vaporware at this point?

    images of mothers day cakes. Mother#39;s Day Cake
  • Mother#39;s Day Cake

  • bad03xtreme
    Mar 28, 10:55 AM
    You people can't wait an additional three months (July, Aug, Sept)?


    I have been waiting since Jan. when Verizon got the iPhone 4.

    images of mothers day cakes. mothers day cakes. simple
  • mothers day cakes. simple

  • lPHONE
    May 6, 12:16 AM
    Even if ARM DID get ahead, it wouldn't take Intel long to catch up... Then what?

    images of mothers day cakes. Mother#39;s Day Cakes - front
  • Mother#39;s Day Cakes - front

  • LouieSamman
    Apr 20, 01:25 AM
    So many has bought an iPhone 4. At&t and Verzion.

    We all are on a 2 year contract.

    This being a spec update only people still with the 3GS or huge fanboys would buy the iPhone 5.

    So I wonder that maybe this new iPhone coming out won't be great on sales.

    iPhone 6th generation is where it's at. Many iPhone 4 users, fanboys, and those still with their 3G or 3GS iPhones would grab the iPhone 6. Sale numbers would be high.

    I am a fanboy of Apple but in being a college student I have to watch the money I spent and spending the extra cash to update to a new iPhone while on a 2 year contract isn't a wise choice for me.

    I first would need to see how much the upgrade to a new iPhone would cost me with my 2 year contract. Since it has been a year, the cost probably went down.

    What would entice me to get the iPhone 5 is if the upgrade fee isn't too bad, the iPhone 5 has a spectacular camera, and a huge noticeable difference in speed.

    I'm getting iOS 5 whether I get the iPhone 5 or not since I have an iPhone 4 and that could be ideal for me until the iPhone 6 comes out but I will have to wait and see on the iPhone 5.

    I believe many people is thinking the same way as I am.

    images of mothers day cakes. Cakes | Mother#39;s Day Cakes
  • Cakes | Mother#39;s Day Cakes

  • tstreete
    Nov 9, 07:21 AM
    Phone calls are routed exclusively through the Car Kit's speakers, whether or not music etc. is routed through the output jack to speakers. A lot of smartphones are like the iPhone in that they won't run phone calls through the base/charger port, but will run the "computer" output, i.e., music and other programs. Has to do with the separate computer/phone circuits, I suppose.

    Thanks for that info. I was wondering if I plug an fm transmitter into the car kit and play my music through my car speakers, will incoming phone calls also be sent through the car speakers or the Tomtom speaker? I prefer the phone calls just come through the car kit's speaker alone.

    images of mothers day cakes. mothers day cakes ideas.
  • mothers day cakes ideas.

  • iMacZealot
    Jul 31, 04:24 AM
    For goodness sakes, the delivery date aside, Apple has already virtually confirmed that an Apple phone is on the way.

    Let me rephrase that: I think we're all getting way too ahead of ourselves. The source of this all is some "tech-unsavvy photographer that Apple hires" according to another crappy tech website. I don't know if it's true or not, but we're all just way too ahead of ourselves with free phone calls through AirPort or whatever.

    Mar 29, 09:08 AM
    And Amazon thinks crippling ioS compatibility will be good business? FAIL.

    Since iOS is increasingly becoming a smaller market share in mobile phones over Android based phones; I'd say there isn't much point catering for iOS. You may as well say that the fact that there is no Atari version that it's a fail.

    No doubt that an iOS app will be on the way, or a third party dev will make one that works. Either way, iOS isn't a priority.

    Aug 7, 10:30 PM
    I wonder if those processors are soldered. I suppose they aren't since it's build to order? Anyone know if there is a way to verify that? It would be nice to finally get a machine from Apple that won't be cost prohibitive to upgrade to faster chips later.

    Mar 28, 10:35 AM
    2012 could easily mean EARLY 2012. That would put the Verizon and AT&T phones on the same release schedule and also set a new precedent for revealing/releasing iPhones in the 1st quarter, WWDC focuses solely on software and operating systems, and the iPad being released in the 3rd/4th quarter (if the iPad 3 rumors pan out). And don't think for a minute that AT&T won't alter their upgrade eligibility dates to let people whose contracts expire this summer (without the release of a new iPhone) upgrade in 2012 for a subsidized price. They're doing everything they can to keep people from jumping ship.

    Apr 14, 11:20 AM
    This may be veering in a direction the OP does not want to go. If so, please ignore.

    Speaking of taxes don't believe any politician who seeks your approval by saying "elect me and I'll lower your taxes". Most likely what they are saying is I'll lower your taxes a smidgen, but I'll give a dump truck of tax breaks to the wealthy who as leaders of industry will do their best to destroy your lively hood by exporting your job overseas.

    What you want to hear from politicians on taxes is a discussion framed as "what services do we want from government, what do we want to pay for, how and who will pay for it, and expectation that the government will penalize corporations whose business practices are actively lowering the standard of living in this country."

    Mar 29, 04:19 PM
    Ah... dude... yes they have had suicides there... 11 attempts in 5 months out of 300,000 employees.

    You do realize this is lower than the US actual suicide rate of 11 per-100K per-year.

    Sorry... but I hate it when people and the press use "drama" to make a point and in reality... the Chinese workers at Foxconn are no different than your average US citizen.

    Link please.

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